I usually have this argument with my friends about what not to wear when you get to a certain age. Some agree with me and some say if you've got the body/legs/arms.....go for it! Funny enough, during my usual blogs sighting session I came across this old picture of Nike Oshinowo wearing shorts. I remembered thinking, when I saw this, that isn't she a tad old to be wearing this? Then again I thought, if she were a Hollywood actress, it wouldn't be a big deal and lets face it, she looked damn good in it. Also she has the panache to carry off the look, it is Nike Osinowo after all.
So is it that some people should be exempted from this "age appropriate" dressing based on their.......shall we say job description? I say yes, to a large extent. Or else how do we explain the Denrele character and his outlandish style?
Also he has the gift of youth (for the time being) so that makes it more acceptable as compared to 'grandpa' Charlie Boy.....in who's case, it's just sad!
I do believe that you are as old as you feel, and I'm not advocating that once you leave your 20's, swap your shorts for sweatpants (though in many cases that wouldn't be a bad idea), but feeling young is far different from dressing young.
Rita Dominic. courtesy chacha corner |
As far as I'm concerned I don't believe any woman over
35 40 should be caught wearing shorts to a social event and by social event I mean any gathering that involves people other than your immediate family. It really doesn't matter if you are a 'yummy mummy" and you weigh the same as you did in your teens or you've recently lost weight and you can fit into those slinky dresses you've admired from afar......fact is you are over
35 40!!!
Gwyneth Paltrow (far right) was 38, when she donned this ensemble on the red carpet |
Yes you can wear them to the beach or if you are in some tropical paradise (besides no one will probably know you there) but that should be about it. Short dresses (depending on the style and cut) yes, but shorts.....definitely no!

Now, imagine you've managed to fit your 40 year old body into a pair of shorts, thinking to yourself "am I sexy or what"? and you are at the same event with the likes of Damilola Adegbite (left) or Miley cyrus (right)........unless you are Nike Oshinowo, you'll probably be thinking, "damn"!
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