You always hear people talking about their "fashion icons" and I honestly say I don"t have one. Like, I can't think of any celebrity or anyone I'd like to copy her (or his) fashion style. I think like most people I like bits and pieces of people's outfits and in some cases a total ensemble, but I cant say there's a particular person I look up to as a fashion icon. Or so I thought until it occurred to me maybe I do have an icon after all.......... Victoria Beckam.
I know what first comes to mind is an anorexic woman toting a birkin bag who's in dire need of a steak, maybe then she'll smile, right? I mean it must be because she's hungry she always looks unhappy in her pictures, at least that's what i think. Also let me say I'm not particularly a fan, I never thought much of the spice girls, and even if I did my favourite would have been scary or sporty spice. Yet I can't deny that she has many admirable qualities, apart from marrying David Beckham (yes, that's an admirable quality), she has 4 kids and seems to manage balancing that and having a successful fashion empire.......ok you can't really compare that to the millions of hard working women who do all that and more without the money and other advantages she has, right? What can I say? I like her clothes, I like the way she dresses, I even empathise with her unsmiling picture faces. I read somewhere she doesn't like the way she looks in pictures, especially when she's smiling, hence the serious, side glances she always seems to adopt as her signature pose. I hate taking pictures too, I never like the way I look in them, though my friends have told me, that's how I really look, so "deal with it"!
So anyway back to Victoria Beckham's fashion, what I like most about her clothes is the fit. Of course one can argue that her fashion line is made only for stick thin women like herself, though I've seen Jennifer Lopez, Kelly Rowland, Beyonce (to mention a few) in her clothes.
 | Kelly rowland in a victoria beckham sheath dress at the David Jones spring/summer collection 2012
I also like the timeless elegance of her clothes, they are obviously made for women not girls.
 | jennifer lopez, victoria beckham and abbey clancy in victoria beckham stretch crepe dress I think no one wears victoria beckham like victoria beckham herself
 | Cmeron Diaz (extreme right) is also wearing the same stretch crepe dress as above, though hers is longer for a more red carpet look. |
I like the fact she's rarely caught without heels,
even when it seems impractical. I love heels, there's just something about heels that completes any outfit, of course you have to know what kind of heels to match with the outfit, but heels nevertheless.
 | p.s. how fab are those shoes?
So here are my top five favourite Vicky (yeah that's what we her pals call her) looks:
This is from her 2012 fall fashion line. I just love the knee high boots on this dress.
I love this look above, though it was slammed on fashion police (that's my fashion bible) and lets be frank, this outfit would be ideal for a buffet. Though victoria beckham at a buffet is as incongrous as Kim Kardashian saying she's going back to school!
 | London Fashion week 2012 |
Gosh I love this look below, it's timeless and so chic and elegant (i use these words a lot), but seriously.....the hair, shoes....

She rocks the casual look too.
So there you have it, my top five Victoria looks. Of course I have loads more but we'll be here all day, infact it would have been easier just to write about her looks that I don't like, but there won't be that much to talk about. Oh and before I forget, 
her outfit to the royal wedding last year. Come on, this woman knows how to dress!
LOL.......and you say you don't have a fashion icon........